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Download my FREE guide to the 2nd trimester in Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire here!
a s**t name for something really rather good

Do you agree?! I think the name is terrible and does not do it justice.
Well, I would like everyone to know that my courses are for parents-to-be who:
Can't imagine giving birth or are scared - but know they want to feel prepared and calm (and maybe even a little excited!)
Are looking for a complete antenatal course (no need to do another course as well, you'll learn everything you need in my course!)
Are drowning in a sea of advice and opinions and need some clear cut, straight talking information to make balanced decisions
Want to meet other local parents-to-be to share the pregnancy and postnatal journey with
My full group courses run every month, split over 4 week night evenings, or occasionally 2 Saturdays, and are suitable for anyone and their birth partner at any point in pregnancy, although I recommend around 25-30 weeks. I also have private 1:1 options and a comprehensive caesarean birth prep course - I really do cater for every person and every birth!
Take a look at the different courses that I run to find the perfect fit for you and your family and start your preparation today!

"I cannot reiterate how much the Hypnobirthing techniques and knowledge helped me again. I felt so in control of this labour the whole time. And again the superstar midwives who just stood back and encouraged me without getting involved.
Just wanted to let you know that I used the techniques again and still rave about Hypnobirthing to my friends who are expecting!"
Jojo - second birth January 2023
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